Langjährig erfahrener Programmierer und Musiker.


Von Beruf bin ich Web- und Applikationsentwickler.
Ich habe mich auf Technologien wie u.v.a. Swift, SwiftUI, TypeScript und React spezialisiert.


Neben dem Programmieren habe ich auch andere Hobbies.


Ich bin Schlagzeuger und Bassist mit über fünfzehn Jahren Erfahrung auf der Bühne und im Studio. Solo und mit mehreren Bands mache und veröffentliche ich eigene Musik.
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Ich bin studierter Historiker und habe Artikel über eine Vielzahl von historischen Themen veröffentlicht. Diese sind auf meinem Geschichtsblog, History Rhymes, zu finden.
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Neueste Blog-Beiträge

My Favorite Books from 2024

My Favorite Books from 2024

With the new year ushered in over a month ago, it’s time to recap my favorite books I read in 2024.
Why did Windows 95 setup use three operating systems?

Why did Windows 95 setup use three operating systems?

Have you ever wondered why the Windows 95 setup seems to consist of three different types of UI? As it turns out, that is due to the fact that setup actually runs on three different operating systems.
Google Is Losing the Fight with SEO Spam

Google Is Losing the Fight with SEO Spam

I recently came across an article on Ars Technica that talks about how Google appears to be losing the fight against SEO spam. This is certainly a phenomenon I have noticed.
Archiving My Blogs

Archiving My Blogs

I recently came across an interesting idea from one of the oldest blogs on the internet to back up my blogs to a public GitHub repository. This is the why and how.
Windows NT vs. Unix: A design comparison

Windows NT vs. Unix: A design comparison

This is an excellent read for any of you operating system nerds out there. The author compares the architectures of both Windows NT and Unix.
My Collection of Windows Screenshots

My Collection of Windows Screenshots

Macs have been my primary computers for decades, but I have also had the occasional Windows PC. These are some screenshots from them.