Ich bin professioneller Entwickler und habe mehr als zwanzig Jahre Erfahrung mit einer großen Bandbreite verschiedener Technologien.
Als Full-Stack-Webentwickler bin ich erfahren im Umgang mit einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Frontend- und Backend-Technologien, bin jedoch auf die folgenden spezialisiert:
Als App-Entwickler habe ich an Programmen für macOS und iOS sowie an plattformübergreifenden Anwendungen mit den folgenden Technologien gearbeitet:
Von meinem Blog
Ich schreibe regelmäßig über meine Entwicklungserfahrungen auf meinem Blog.

Archiving My Blogs
I recently came across an interesting idea from one of the oldest blogs on the internet to back up my blogs to a public GitHub repository. This is the why and how.

Windows NT vs. Unix: A design comparison
This is an excellent read for any of you operating system nerds out there. The author compares the architectures of both Windows NT and Unix.

Editors and IDEs I’ve Used Over the Years
I had the idea to write a post about the editors and IDEs I have used over the years. These are the ones that stood out to me and why. Screenshots included!

Respect My Preference for Dark Mode!
There is a current trend I don’t understand in web design: websites that offer dark mode but bury it somewhere in their settings. As a user of dark mode, this is a horrendous user experience.

Polls: Single Page vs Multi-Page Applications
There was a time when all websites were multi-page applications, but that has changed. I wanted to know what users and developers think about that and so I asked.

The All-New Feed The Dev
I’m excited to announce an all-new version of Feed The Dev! It is now an aggregate website for development and technology news and articles that combines sources from all over the internet into a single, easy-to-use website.
Mehr auf meinem Blog